CBSE Class 4 Mathematics/How Heavy? How Light?/Worksheet

CBSE Class 4 Mathematics/How Heavy? How Light?/Worksheet is about the Model Questions that you can expect for Yearly Examination. Here you can find out practice problems for Class 4 Mathematics. This worksheet is designed for CBSE Class 4 students.

CBSE Class 4 Mathematics/ How Heavy? How Light? /Worksheet
Extra Questions for Practice/Model Questions
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

  1. Which pan of the balance will go down?
    A. 35g, 40g
    B. 25g, 40g
    C. 15g, 40g
  2. 1 kg = ——— g
    A. 10
    B. 100
    C. 1000
  3. Which of the following is equal to 1 kg?
    A. 700g + 245g + 55g
    B. 560g + 125g + 150g
    C. 650g + 150g + 150g
  4. Your weight is 650g and I am only 145g. How much do we weigh together?
    A. 785g
    B. 795g
    C. 805g
  5. Which has more height?
    A. Elephant
    B. Table
    C. Book
    Fill in the blanks:
  6. ½ kg = ———g
  7. 3 kg = ——— g
  8. ¼ kg = ——— g
  9. 5.5 kg =———-g
  10. 1 ½ kg = ————g
    Answer the following:
  11. Add 9 kg 750g and 1 kg 250 g
  12. A shopkeeper has 150 kg of rice. He sold 123 kg 750g. How much rice is left with him?
  13. What should be added to 250g to make it 2 kg?
  14. One kilogram oranges cost 85 rupees. How many kilograms can we buy for 200 rupees? How much rupees he will get back?
  15. If 1 kg apples cost is 120 rupees, find the cost of2 ½ kg apples?


  1. 35g, 40g
  2. 1000g
  3. 700g + 245g + 55g
  4. 795g
  5. Elephant
  6. 500g
  7. 3000g
  8. 250g
  9. 5500g
  10. 1500g
  11. 9 kg 750g + 1 kg 250g = (9 + 1) kg + (750 + 250)g = 10kg 1000g = 11kg
  12. Quantity of rice a shopkeeper had = 150g
    Quantity of rice which he sold = 123kg 750g
    Quantity of rice left with him = 150kg – 123kg 750g = 26 kg 250g
  13. We know that 2kg = 2000g
    We need to add 1750g to 250g to make it 2 kg.
  14. Cost of 1 kg oranges = 85 rupees
    Cost of 2 kg oranges = 85 x 2 = 170 rupees
    So 2 kg oranges can purchase for 170 rupees and 30 rupees he will get back.
  15. Cost of 1 kg apples = 120 rupees
    Cost of 2 kg apples = 120 x 2 = 240 rupees
    Cost of ½ kg apples = 60 rupees
    Total cost of 2 ½ kg apples = 240 + 60 = 300 rupees.

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