CBSE Class 4 Mathematics/Play with Patterns/Worksheet

CBSE Class 4 Mathematics/Play with Patterns – Chapter 10 /Worksheet is about the model questions that you can expect for Yearly Examination. Here you can find out practice problems for Class 4 Mathematics.

CBSE Class 4 Mathematics/Play with Patterns – Chapter 10/Worksheet
Extra Questions for Practice/Model Questions

  1. Fill in the blanks:
    a. ABC, DEF, GHI, —-, —-, —-
    b. 28Z, 27Y, 26X, —, —, —-
    c. 864, 764, 664, —, —-, —-
    d. 9, 109, 209, —, —, —
  2. Write the next number in each pattern:
    a. 3, 6, 9, 12, —, —-
    b. 90, 85, 80, —, —-
    c. 1, 6, 11, 16, —, —
    d. 11, 22, 33, —, —-
  3. Fill in the blanks:
    a. 18, 21, 24, —, 30, —
    b. 99, 88, 77, —, 55, —
    c. 1, 12, 123, —, —-
    d. 134, 124, —, 104, —
  4. Fill in the blanks:
    a. 9A5, 8B5, —-, 6D5, —–
    b. AZ, BY, —, DW, —
    c. AB, BC, CD, —, —-
    d. 80Z, 70Y, —, 50W, —-
  5. Write the next number in each of the following according to the rule:
    a. 16, 20, —, 28, —- (Add 4)
    b. 87, —, 67, —, —- (Subtract 10)
    c. 7, —, —, —-, —- (Add 7)
    d. 100, —, 50, —-, 0 (Subtract 25)


  1. Fill in the blanks:
    a. JKL, MNO, PQR
    b. 25W, 24V, 23U
    c. 564, 464, 364
    d. 309, 409, 509
  2. Write the next number in each pattern:
    a. 15, 18
    b. 75, 70
    c. 21, 26
    d. 44, 55
  3. Fill in the blanks:
    a. 27, 33
    b. 66, 44
    c. 1234, 12345
    d. 114, 94
  4. Fill in the blanks:
    a. 7C5, 5E5
    b. CX, EV
    c. DE, EF
    d. 60X, 40V
  5. Write the next number in each of the following according to the rule:
    a. 24, 32
    b. 77, 57, 47
    c. 7, 14, 21, 28, 35
    d. 75, 25

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